Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If you don't like these, you're a scrooge!

Cinnamon Rolls

Prepare dough as directed on back of package adding 2 tablespoons sugar to flour mixture.  Grease 13x9-inch pan.  To shape, roll dough to 15x10-inch rectangle.  Spread 1/4 cup softened margarine evenly over dough.  Sprinkle with mixture of 1/3 cup sugar and 2 teaspoons cinnamon.  Starting with 10-inch side, roll up tightly, pressing edges to seal.  Cut into 12 slices; place cut side down, in greased pan.  Cover loosely with plastic wrap and cloth towel.  Let rise in warm place 30 minutes.  Heat oven to 375 degrees.  Uncover rolls.  Bake for 20 to 30 minutes or until golden brown.  Cool 1 minute; remove from pan. 

To glaze, combine 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 to 2 tablespoons milk, and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla.  Blend until smooth.  Spoon over warm rolls.  Makes 12 rolls. 

Did anyone read the first line of this recipe?  I did.  Are you confused?  I was.  Here is what the recipe card actually looked like:

"Prepare dough as directed on back of package."  Uh, and what package would that be exactly?  This little 2x2-inch cardboard square doesn't really specify.  So, being the true problem-solving genius that I am, I started to think.  My grandma and my aunt both buy this specific hot roll mix to make runzas (if you don't know what a runza is, you need to find out because it is one of the best foods of all time).  So I went to the grocery store (Walmart) with my mom to hunt for the hot roll mix, but we couldn't find it (even after asking an employee who said they didn't sell anything like that).  So we called my aunt to see where we could buy it.  Turns out she buys it at Walmart!  So we went back to the baking aisle and found it hiding on the top shelf.  We should have found that employee and showed her.  With all of the clues I pieced together I could be a detective.  Scooby Doo and the gang ain't got nothin' on me!  And why do most of the recipes I pull from the shoebox require some ingredient that is difficult to find?  It's like the shoebox thinks I have time for difficult.  Here is the mix you will need for this recipe:

And guess what is on the side of the box?

Ok, to make a long story short, you need Pilsbury Hot Roll Mix to make this recipe.  I used butter in place of all the margarine the recipe called for because I don't like to buy extra ingredients when I have perfectly good substitutes at home (except when it comes to subbing Miracle Whip for mayonnaise, seriously, just get the mayo when the recipe calls for it).  And as Paula Deen would say, butter makes it better!  These were yummy, especially right out of the oven.  I took some over to my parents house after I baked them and they both thought they were delicious.  My mom told me so as she was using her finger to scoop up the extra icing from the plate.  I take that as a sign that they must have been good.  Sometimes actions speak much louder than words.  She told me I wasn't allowed to put that in the blog.  Sorry Mom! 

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